I recently had the opportunity to interview Jacob from Handguns.
PPND- First of all, thanks for being part of the first interview on Pop Punks Not Dead! It's an honour.
Handguns- No thank you! We aren't on tour right now so I am trying to do as much work as I can via the net to get our record out there and let people know about us.
PPND- Your new EP "Anywhere But Home" is catchy as hell. How did it come to be?
Handguns- Thank you! As a band we have been through a ton of line up changes and when Taylor and Nate joined the band in December of last we we knew were going to write a bunch of new songs and try to take everything we were doing as a band up a few notches. So we wrote a bunch before the full US tour we did and then we wrote "Anywhere But Home" while on tour so when we cam back we had 6 brand new songs to record. We did that with Nik Bruzzese of Man Overboard in his studio in Williamstown NJ. We decided to re record the song "Two Weeks" of our prior Ep MMIX because kids where singing along to it on tour.
PPND- I think "Anywhere But Home" has a great late 90s early 2000 feel. What were your main influlences on the new EP?
Handguns- Exactly that late 90's - 00's pop punk and some hardcore like Lifetime and Kid Dynamite. Just all that pop punk we grew up on. Drive Thru records!
PPND- Personally most of my favourite bands come from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Why do you think there's so much quality pop punk in those states?
Handguns- Because there is nothing to do in these states but sit around and write songs about girls? I really have no Idea. I agree with you though I am really happy with a lot of the music coming out of the PA and NJ scenes. So many good bands.
PPND- What shows are you guys the most stoked to play on your upcoming tour?
Handguns- Midland Texas, California ( for real this time ), Washington, and Florida, oh and Corbin Ky!
PPND- Do you guys have any plans to play any shows in Canada in the future? ("cough Toronto cough")
Handguns- Nothing planned planned in Canada yet but we plan on touring as much as possible wherever we can I would love to come hang out in the Great White north!
PPND- What bands are you guys currently listening to?
Handguns- Taylor has listened the new Paramore record on repeat since the day it came out. I listen to so much music It would be impossible to list all of it. Although I do listen to The Wonder Years "The Upsides" at least once a day. I have maditory "Upsides" time. Marco loves hip hop Gille The Kid, and some other groups that I can't think of. Nate listens to a lot of stuff Thursday, The new I Call Fives Ep "Bad Advice".
PPND- What bands should my readers look out for in 2010?
Handguns- Us in your town or a town near you. We want to tour as much as physically possible. So if anyone wants to set up a show for us hit us up! We are also planning on putting out a 7" later this year.
PPND- Any final comments for your fans?
Handguns- Do what makes you happy! don't take life and time for grantet when you find something that makes you happy grab on to it and don't let go. Life is way to short to not do the things that makes you happy.
wow, i've just download their album. pop punk hardcore,isn't it. love the genre